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Hosting WordPress on Amazon AWS Server

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(@Anonymous 857)
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After tired of using other cheap infrastructures, now I am thinking to move on Managed WordPress AWS hosting platform, I am looking for the experiences you guys had with Amazon AWS.

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Hi @zenmarc,

What cheap infrastructures did you try before?

(@Anonymous 869)
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Posted by: @zenmarc

After tired of using other cheap infrastructures, now I am thinking to move on Managed WordPress AWS hosting platform, I am looking for the experiences you guys had with Amazon AWS.

What do you think is the definition of Cheap infrastructure. In my experience by cheap hosting platform I only mean free hosting platform. Otherwise, there is premium hosting or free hosting. For instance, I have been using managed DigitalOcean hosting server which is managed by Cloudways. I have been using it from last 2 years and it costs me $11/month only. DigitalOcean is named among the top 5 hosting providers available in the market. So, this is considered to be the economical server not the cheap server.

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