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[Solved] SEO Title Tags doesn't work on wpForo forum topic

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(@Anonymous 12)
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I recently started using wpforo forum plugin my WordPress site. Great plugin btw. But only issue i'm having is title tags doesn't show up for any of forums or topics. It just says "Forum" for all pages. Any ideas how to fix this? I really need to use this plugin, but this is kind of deal breaker.

Thanks in advance!

Reputable Member Admin
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Hello Perry,

You're probably using a SEO plugin other than Yoast SEO. Other plugins have conflicts with wpforo forum plugin. Are you using any plugins?

If yes, Moving to Yoast will fix this issue for you.

(@Anonymous 12)
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I'm using Ultimate SEO plugin. I'll try Yoast SEO. But I have been using Ultimate SEO fir few years now. And there are many configurations of some pages . Trying to move now will be lot harder.

Thanks anyway 

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Well wpforo comes with really good built in SEO. You really don't need a SEO plugin for that. Since you're using Ultimate SEO, you can just disable Title Tag Rewriter module from settings. Unfortunately this is a side wide setting, but you can keep all other SEO settings intact. Think it'll be more easier for you. 

(@Anonymous 12)
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Yes @tharindu it's easier. Thanks for the tip

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