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Proper Email Hostname Setup for Virtualmin?

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(@Anonymous 42)
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Hey tharinduvpsfix
I have a question maybe you can help me. I followed your tutorial to install Virtualmin and nginx but when I got to the check hostname it showed so I figured that was ok since maybe it would be like a subdomain, but I am going to use this as a mail server so now I am thinking I should have changed it to the main domain so when the mail is sent it doesn't show instead of
Now that everything is installed is it too late to change host name or do I need to delete it somehow and start over?

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Hey Bryan,

I think you can still create a new virtual server within Virtualmin with the domain name You'll have an option to select the email address associated with it on the Create Virtual Server page.

Please note that you should also configure your nameservers for emails to work. This is something i'm yet to cover on my tutorials.

(@Anonymous 42)
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Thanks Tharindu
I was planning on using a WordPress plug-in for the auto responder so maybe I can use the virtual server for that.
yes nameservers are going to be difficult for me I know you need a reverse lookup PTR I have a Solus VM panel and if I click on network and then click on edit for my IP address it gives me a reverse look up but you just put your server name in there so I don't think that will work?

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I'm not familiar with Solus VM panel, so can't really answer that question. But I find it extremely to use Google apps for emails. Since you're using WordPress, you can configure Gmail SMTP which will allow you to use your Google Apps account to send emails via Gmail SMTP server. This is what i'm currently using for my emails.

(@Anonymous 42)
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Oh ok. will that work as an auto responder. Is there a tutorial for that?
By the way I am very grateful for all your help. Thank you!

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Yes, it'll work as a auto responder too. But you're only able to send emails from WordPress. Use can use plugins. I don't know if there's a plugin for your purpose.

But if you want to send emails from outside WordPress, you can use Sendy. It offers great features. I have posted Sendy installation on Virtualmin tutorial and you can also hire me to install Sendy if you want 🙂

(@Anonymous 42)
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Thanks for all your help Tharindu. I have 2 more issues.

1) The server IP generated by virtualmin is blacklisted. So I changed it by going to virtualmin > Addresses and Networking > Shared IP addresses and changed this to my server IP address...So future Virtual servers will be setup with This IP. My question is it ok to use server IP for this?

2)I am setting up name servers for for virtualmin. I have custom name servers at godaddy pointing to my domain and hostnames setup with server IP address.
Here is an image of dns records for my domain

Here is the error from DNScheck

Can you look at those and see if you can tell me what is wrong?

By the way you should have a donate button on your website because I would be happy with paying you something for your time.

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Hi Bryan,

Did you create host names for NS2.TRAXT.INFO and NS1.TRAXT.INFO in GoDaddy? And I see they both use the same IP address. You need two unique IP addresses. Please assign a new IP address to your VPS and change NS2 to use the new IP address.

And thanks for the tip, I'll try to add a donate button 🙂

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