Microsoft Excel 2010 is great software to manage, keep and analyze accounts data. It has numbers of features to add and use various types of Graphs/Charts. This is an introduction to use Graphs/Charts with background colors on Excel 2010.
Adding a Chart to Excel Workbook
Open an Excel workbook and input some data. You won’t be able to use Graphs or Charts without some data on your workbook. After adding some content, click “ËœInsert’ and you’ll see Charts menu on the Insert tab.
As you can see on above image, there are numbers of chart types you can use on your workbook. These are most common chart types. Clicking on any chart type will open a drop down menu with available chart styles. Picking a chart style from drop down menu will arrange your data according to it.
Selecting a Chart from All available Chart Types
Charts that displayed on ‘Insert’ tab are most commonly used charts. Excel 2010 has almost all chart types currently in use. To use or view other charts, you need to click arrow head at the bottom right corner of charts menu. It’ll open ‘Insert Chart’ window. And on the left sidebar, you’ll see all available chart types that you can apply to your workbook. See below image.
Adding a Background Color to Chart
Right click on empty space on your chart and click “ËœFormat Chart Area’. It’ll open Format Chart dialogue box. Under the ‘Fill’ tab, you’ll see number of background options. Select one you like and it’ll fill chart background with color. Play with settings to pick color and design you want. Below image is an example of ‘Gradient fill’ option.
If only need background color on your chart’s plot area, you can right click on your chart’s plot area and select ‘Forma Plot Area’ from the menu and select background image as we did in ‘Format Chart Area’ dialogue box.
If only need background color on your chart’s plot area, you can right click on your chart’s plot area and select ‘Forma Plot Area’ from the menu and select background image as we did in ‘Format Chart Area’ dialogue box.
And as you can see, there are more formatting options like Border Color, Border Style, Shadow, etc… on the ‘Format Chart Area’ dialogue box. You can select whatever style you want for your graph or chart.