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Pre setup questions order number 13847

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order number 13847

I am working on setting up a Wordpress site from the beginning, and I want to use Sendy and probably Elementor (which has a wp plugin Sendy Elements) so I can build my Worpress site with Elementor.

I have set up a AWS account (Account name: Warwick Thorn Email: * Password: *) and I have some Domains at Namecheap ( User Name: * Password: *)

Q1. First something to fix. I set up an instance (server) on Amazon EC2, going through your setup process number 1, but I dont want that now (because of cost). I tried to terminate it, I think successfully. Could you check that is terminated in your setting up procedures?

Reading your material, it will be cheaper to set up on an independent VPS, and I will follow your recommendation to set that up with Vultr VPS.

Q2 I see you can also setup Wordpress, so if I buy that service from you too, is the plan good to
set up both Sendy and Wordpress, on the same VPS?

Q3 I am confused about allocating a domain to Sendy and a domain to Wordress. Do they have to be the same? Or can or should they be different?
I bought Sendy yesterday with the allocated Domain of but I want my Wordpress site to be Have I made a mistake?
I can change the domain name with the link to that is with my purchase email
[License key: * Install on your licensed domain:]

Q4 Looking at how much SSD storage do I need for hosting Wordpress with Elementor and Sendy? It looks like if I need extra storage or website data I can buy some of their block storage later, correct?

Q5 An email builder is one of these, correct?

Q6 I need to also get an email to go with the domain, correct? such as


Thanks for your help


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Hi @warwick-thorn,


Thanks for the order. This is a public section of the site. so I've removed all sensitive data from your post above. Please do not share your passwords here. Order discussions is the section you can share access with us.

Anyways, I can answer your questions here.

Q1. I will do this.

Q2. Yes, you can have both Sendy and WordPress on the same server. And when you place that order, you can select "Shared Hosting" under Hosting Platform because you don't have to pay VPS configuring fee twice.

Q3. Domain for Sendy and WordPress can be the same or different. Both works. It doesn't effect the integration.

Q4. Storage isn't usually a concern for websites. Most websites only consume less than 5GB disk space. What you need to focus on is RAM and CPU. I suggest going with 4GB RAM plan (80 GB SSD). And you can always upgrade your resources easily when your list or site grow.

Q5. Yes. We also have our own builder for Sendy. That's what we will be installing.

Q6. Yes, this is required to receive emails and reply to them. Sendy will be able to send regardless.


Please feel free to request explanations in case anything is unclear.


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Thanks for that.

On Vultr you can select a Server Type. Any preference? Choices are:

Ubuntu Select Version 20.10  x64 20.04  x64 18.04  x64 16.04  x64
CentOS Select Version 8  x64 8 Stream  x64 7  x64 7  x64 Without SELinux
Debian Select Version 10  x64 9  x64
Fedora Select Version 33  x64 32  x64
Fedora CoreOS stable  x64
FreeBSD Select Version 12.1  x64 11.4  x64
OpenBSD Select Version 6.7  x64 6.8  x64


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Please select Ubuntu 18.04 x64.

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getting there. Vultr server setup, email setup.

Q Is there any issue with SSL certificates for your setup?

Looks like a good idea for ranking, preventing potential blocking, and to prevent users from getting untrust messages? Would you recommend any of these?

On my site I plan to offer some free and paid educational courses and learning resources.


This post was modified 4 years ago by Warwick Thorn

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Hi @warwick-thorn

Vultr and all other providers block outgoing email from their servers. You need to complete a KYC to get emails working on Vultr.

I install SSL from Let's Encrypt. It's what I use on this site as well.

And SSL from namecheap works too. It's recommended to get one of those if you process credit card payment with your own IPG. Meaning users are entering credit card details on your website. For most websites these are handled by 3rd parties like PayPal on there website. So the free SSL from Let's Encrypt provides enough protection.


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I would only use Paypal on the site.

Okay will work on the KYC. How do I go about that?


This post was modified 4 years ago by Warwick Thorn

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Please create a ticket asking to unblock port 25 on your servers. Tell them your use case. For example you'll be hosting websites and personal email accounts associated with them.

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Looks like port 25 is already unblocked. I got this messayge back from my ticket:
Thank you for your inquiry. Please note that our services are self-managed (meaning support for troubleshooting applications, configuring VPS instances, working with custom ISOs, etc. is unavailable). We appreciate your understanding regarding this matter.

We are not blocking port 25 on the referenced instance. Please be sure to check your instance's firewall rules and listening services. You can run "netstat -uplnt | less" in order to check listening services, the additional options in this case will show port and service pairings.

I also recommend running "iptables -L" to show firewall rules, and "iptables -F" to flush all rules from the chain. To test outbound port 25 access, you can also run "telnet 25". If you are able to successfully connect, this will confirm that the instance has outbound port 25 connectivity.

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Posted by: @tharindu

...Vultr and all other providers block outgoing email from their servers. You need to complete a KYC to get emails working on Vultr...

Can you give me more details on where I should complete a KYC? There seems a lot of information and providers out there. I do not want to do the wrong setup. For example, I am in New Zealand, so do I need to to be related tom my New Zealand Bank. Sorry, to lack knowledge on this (but I am also looking online to try and figure it out. There also seems to be different levels of KYC verification.

And, do you need anything from it, to put on the server?

thank you

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That's great. May be they have changed their policy. This is good.

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Exploring AWS KYC verification needs, I came across the following, below. BUT, in the end, what i did was change the region of my Amazon AWS to Seoul, which is my VPS server region. It seemed important that they match, as well with the Region to be set in Sendy. Then I verified my email and region in SES. You should see the email verification in the SES when you logged in with my login details. It seems you can verify the email or the domain, but do not need to do both – well, good, because my domain verification attemp failed (see below). Not sure this addresses all the KYC issues, I also note point 1 below, of a Sendy add on, to verify Sendy lists, to control bounce rates to avoid suspention of SES.


Which bulk verifies and list cleans Sendy email lists to stop high bounce rates, which could otherwise cause a suspend of my Amazon SES account.


it is saying how I, as the sender, can verify my email in Amazon SES.

This one too is saying the same thing, but that if you verify the domain you do not have to verify the


I tried verifying the email, and got a verification email, which said,

"We have received a request to authorize this email address for use with Amazon SES and Amazon

Pinpoint in region Asia Pacific (Sydney). If you requested this verification, please go to the following URL to confirm that you are authorized to use this email address:"

I did NOT process this because of the "and Amazon Pinpoint in region Asia Pacific (Sydney)"

Because in another post on Sendy I noticed 'region' the Sebndy settings should match the Server

location - which in my case is Korea. So I then changed my AWS region to soul and then verified it SUCCESS looks like the sendy region and the SES region/OR Virtual Private Server (VPS)) need to match.

so I think i did the right thing, and that Sendy also needs the Seoul region in its setting.

I did try to veryfy the Domain usubng SES, getting this response  ?dl=0

ACCEPTED the Domain verification record.
FAIL I entered these into the Namecheap domain host records. However, the DKIM records gave an error saying the Name/Host field was limited to 60 charachters or less.

FAIL, there was a ‘priority’ field which I had nothing to enter, so it would not accept it.

Because of the fail I deleted the on accepted record in the Namecheap DNS records.

Maybe this is where the answer to that is, but I do not understand this, really.

I can see that the verification process for an email or domain needs to be completed, and not left in pending mode.: so I aslo deleted the domain pending mode settings in SES.

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Thanks for confirmation of job finished and the email with all the details. I replied to that but not sure you got it. Very glad I did not attempt the installations myself.

I setup Wordpress, and I am just checking by signing in and out of the different parts. Seems to be working. I have changed my Sendy password to *****

Note: Sometimes logging into Sendy, with my Firefox browser, I got a firewall blocking message. Seems to be a Firfox problem - The message is, "Outgoing connections blocked. Your server has a firewall blocking outgoing connections. Please refer to this troubleshooting tip." Nevertheless, I can login through Chrome, Opera, or Avast Secure Browser.

Q1. About Get Email Builder. You have given me a Username and password, but, the message says I can hire you to install it. I believe I added it to my order 13847, so I was looking for it. I thought it might show up when I tried a test email, but no. Is it there somwhere - how do I access it? By the way, the link: does not work.

Q2 For the instructions on requesting an increase to AWS SES Sending Limit. On the Mail Type: Subscription, because you say it is important to have an optin form on my website, I havent done that yet. I willhave an optin form, just haven't got to it yet. Do I have to set that up first and then request the increase, or can I request the increase now?


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Having asked Amazon to increase my Amazon SES quota, I got an email back, saying,
"Thank you for submitting your request to increase your sending limits. Your new sending quota is 50,000 messages per day. Your maximum send rate is now 14
messages per second. We have also moved your account out of the Amazon SES sandbox. This takes effect immediately in the Asia Pacific (Seoul) region.
You can view the current sending rate and sending quota for your account on the Sending Statistics page of the Amazon SES console, or by using the
GetSendQuota API."

BUT when I log into Sendy, checking Settings, It still says, my quota is 200, for SES region Seoul, and that I am in Sandbox. The selected timezone in my setting is set to Asia/Seoul so that looks right.

What do I need to do?

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Posted by: @warwick-thorn

...BUT when I log into Sendy, checking Settings, It still says, my quota is 200, for SES region Seoul, and that I am in Sandbox. The selected timezone in my setting is set to Asia/Seoul so that looks right.

What do I need to do?

As well as the issue above, Sendy does not send emails out. If I log into Sendy and do I a test send of email, to, for example, '' and I have another '' it says 'Sent' but I do not receive anything, so this must mean Sendy is not working. the test, however, does work only to '' -- which is the verified email address in SES.

Not sure if this is it, but in the Sendy settings you have entered my AWS Access Key ID and a secret password (which I do not know). Then, when I check in the my Amazon consule Access Key ID it shows  there is a sendy IAM that you must have set up, but that is a different KEY ID than the one entered in Sendy. I dont know if this is the issue.


Please help

This post was modified 4 years ago by Warwick Thorn

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